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Minerals form in igneous rock as magma or lava cools. The minerals will form from the available chemicals in the magma as their crystallization temperature is reached. The sequence of mineral crystal formation from magma is described in the Bowen's Reaction Series.

Metamorphic rock minerals are aligned, altered, or recrystallized from existing rock minerals due to the effects of heat and/or pressure.

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Q: How are minerals formed in igneous and metamorphic rocks?
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I think you are looking for the term "Metamorphic".

What and the difference between igneous and metamorphic rocks?

Igneous rocks are formed when rocks reach the melting point becoming magma, then the magma starts to cool and crystallizes to form igneous rocks. Metamorphic rocks are made when they come in contact with a mass of magma but does not melt providing the energy to drive chemical reactions that recrystallize minerals.

What are metamorphic rocks created by?

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Metamorphic rocks. With proper heat and pressure sedimentary and igneous rocks can form metamorphic rocks.

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Due to the weathering of igneous rocks the minerals of it get deposited in layers. After a long repetition of this process the bottom layers start compressing due to the pressure of upper layers as well as heat , so they turn harder and harder resulting in metamorphic rocks.

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igneous rocks- rocks that are formed from melted minerals. ore-a rock that has a large amount of minerals.