

How are missions used today?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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missions are used for catholic chuches, even now

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Q: How are missions used today?
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When were missions used?

Missions are still being used today.

Was there a garden at Mission San Jose?

Yes, and there still is one. All of the missions have gardens that are still used today. The missions are state historical property and open for services and visitors.

How did the California Missions influence how Americans live today today?

they didn't

Are ion engines in use today?

At least nine missions by the ESA, Japanese Space Agency and NASA have used ion propulsion.

What were the religious settlements in California called?

These are called "missions" because of the "mission-like" way they did things.

What original buildings are standing today?

all of the 21 missions

What missions were used for?

Missions are used to convert Native-Americans to Christianity. In the US southwest, Spanish missions were usually devoted to converting Native Americans to Catholicism.

What religion was practiced at missions Who lived in the missions?

The Catholic Church built the missions and still hold services today at missions. The priests lived there with mission Native Americans and 5-6 soldiers stationed at each mission.

Do all California missions have ranches?

No. Many today are in the middle of a city.

Will there be more Apollo missions?

Today there are no plans for any Apollo plans.

What material did people used to make the missions?

The California missions used adobe, timber, stone, brick, and tile.

What is missions used for?

they are used for the Catholic and to hid from the Indians