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Mulattoes are individuals of mixed African and European ancestry, and their existence is a result of the sexual relations and unions between African slaves and European colonizers or slave owners during the time of African slavery. These relationships were often non-consensual and manifested through the exploitation of power dynamics, leading to the birth of mulatto individuals.

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Q: How are mulattoes an effect of African slavery?
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What is the differences between African and European slavery?

African slavery primarily involved the enslavement of individuals through capture in warfare or as punishment for crimes, with slaves often having some rights. European slavery, on the other hand, was based on race and involved the transatlantic slave trade, where Africans were forcibly taken to the Americas to work on plantations with no rights or freedoms. Additionally, African slavery existed within African societies, whereas European slavery was imposed on Africans by European colonizers.

How did anthropolothy affect African slavery?

Anthropology played a role in justifying and perpetuating African slavery by promoting racist ideologies that positioned Africans as primitive and inferior to justify their exploitation. It contributed to the dehumanization of African people and the perpetuation of systems of oppression.

Why did African slavery replace native American slavery on the encomienda system?

African slavery replaced Native American slavery in the encomienda system primarily due to the devastating impact of diseases brought by Europeans on the native populations, making them less able to withstand forced labor. Additionally, African slaves were less likely to escape due to their unfamiliarity with the landscape and were seen as more profitable due to being perceived as being physically stronger.

Did African people volunteer to be sold into slavery?

No, African people did not volunteer to be sold into slavery. The transatlantic slave trade involved the forced capture, trade, and transportation of millions of Africans against their will to the Americas for forced labor. The individuals captured and sold into slavery were victims of a system that dehumanized and exploited them for economic gain.

How did slavery influence African American culture?

Slavery influenced African American culture by impacting language, music, cuisine, and traditions. Enslaved people had to create new forms of expression to communicate and survive, leading to the development of unique cultural practices that blended African and American influences. These cultural elements are still present in African American communities today.

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Who is a mulattoes in Latin America?

Someone of European and African ancestry.

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to end slavery

What effect did Nat Turners rebellion have on Southerners and their opinion on freedom for African Americans?

to end slavery

What effect did Nat Turners rebellion have on southerns and their opinion of freedom for African Americans?

to end slavery

What color were the mulattoes?

Mulattoes is another name for African. So, they had dark skin. The word mulatto was used for a person with one black parent and one white - or for someone of mixed racial origins. So perhaps not so dark as one of full African racial origin.

What were slave laws that in effect restored many of the restrictions of slavery to African Americans after the Civil War?

Black Codes

What was the effect of the American Revolution on slavery?

The American Revolution did not effect slavery. It was the Civil War that had the biggest effect on slavery in the US.

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wherw did freed African Americans go after slavery ended

What are two sentences for the word slavery?

Slavery is free labor (African Americans). Slavery is work done by African Americans without getting paid.

Where was African slavery?

In America.

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