

How are organic soils formed?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Organically rich soils are formed from organic material. Readily found examples of organic matter that's found on and near the surface of the soil are the breakdown of yard waste such as leaf litter; and the death and decomposition of the critters of the soil food web. Such critters include beetles, earthworms, and microarthropods.

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Q: How are organic soils formed?
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If you are asking for the name of such soils, they are soils formed in residuum, or residual soils. Typically, the soil profile grades into a degraded bedrock called saprolite, with depth, before hiyting hard bedrock.

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Bruce Leeson has written: 'An organic soil capability classification for agriculture and a study of the organic soils of Simcoe County' -- subject(s): Soils, Classification

What controls the concentrations of organic matter in soils?

Soil micro-organisms control the concentration of organic matter in the soil. Thus, fertile soils are full of soil humus and micro-organisms.

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