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Water conservation ensures that other animals have access to clean water. This makes it possible for such animals to thrive in a given area.

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14y ago

all most all of them. the fish and whales are in the water so they are affected.

0thers like sea lions, seals, polar bears, walruses, and many many others

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Q: How are other animals affected by water conservation?
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Yes, especially if that is their environment.

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i think the oil effects the water animals and mabey some birds by the fumes. mabey all of the animals.

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What is preservation of the environment?

Conservation of the environment is essential. It saves our natural resources, reduces pollution and landfill. For instance, fresh water levels in many parts of the world have dropped alarmingly. Water shortage is a growing problem. If there is no water on Earth, there will be no life, no environment. So, it is very important that we conserve fresh water (Check out the link below for some simple tips on how to save fresh water at home.) By saving water we would be saving the lives of plants, animals and mankind. That's how conservation would be benefiting the environment too!It is important because then other living organisms can live.

How plants and animals suffer an earthquake?

Plants and animals are affected by the loss of habitat. Which comes to the consequence of loss of food and water also.

Beaches affected by the gulf oil spill?

There are some beaches affected by the oil spill. But it's mostly the animals and plants that live on the beaches & in the water that were and still are being affected.