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Q: How are pandas adapted for eating bamboo?
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What are giant pandas eating habits?


What are pandas most known for?

Eating bamboo.

When do pandas start eating bamboo?

About 6 months

What are the giant pandas unusual eating habits?

Pandas eat plants, especially bamboo.

What kind of leaves do pandas eat?

Bamboo, Its the only thing they eat.They get all the water they need from that plant.

What are Pandas are best known for?

Eating bamboo and looking fat.

What depends on a bamboo?

lots o ftypes of pandas depend on eating bamboo for lots of their meals

What is one adaptation of the panda bear?

The adaptations are : 1.They have adapted to eating bamboo to survive in bamboo forests. 2.their fur keeps them warm and dry. 3.Pandas have really good sense of smell so they know when enemies are near by.

What are some of pandas learned behavior?

Eating bamboo,Walking,Roaring( i believe )

How are the red pandas adapted to eating bamboos?

It was the only thing around

What do giant pandas do in their free time?

Mostly chew on bamboo, play, and lay around.

What pandas mostly do?

Pandas spend the majority of their day eating bamboo. Pandas are mostly known for having a voracious appetite for bamboo.