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Q: How are phenotypes used pedigree analysis?
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Describe how phenotypes can be used to predict genotypes in a pedigree?

By observing the phenotypes of individuals in a pedigree (such as their physical characteristics or traits), one can infer the genotypes that may be responsible for those traits. By looking at patterns of inheritance within the pedigree, such as autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked inheritance, one can make educated guesses about the genotypes of individuals based on their observed phenotypes. However, the presence of genetic variability, incomplete penetrance, or phenocopies can complicate the prediction of genotypes solely based on phenotypic information.

What is the name of the chart that shows possible phenotypes and genotypes and genotypes?

punnet square

How are phenotype used in pedigree analysis?

The pedigree will typically show one kind of trait and the affected members of a family. Take a look at if the trait is dominant or recessive first. Once you have that figured out,start to predict the genotypes of the individuals in the pedigree.

What chart is is used to trace the history of traits in a family?

pedigree chart

What is use of pedigree?

Pedigree is used to determine wheather a trait is inherited.

How would pedigree be used in a sentence?

He bred pedigree dogs. As his parents and grandparents were good athletes, he had a good pedigree as a sprinter.

A pedigree can be used to?


What a pedigree used for?


What are the probable mode of inheritance from a pedigree diagram showing phenotypes?

The modes of inheritance are y-linked, x-linked, and mitochondrial. Inherited traits can then be recessive, dominant, or autosomal depending on how they are inherited.

How is a pedigree?

A pedigree is used to determine whether you are at risk of inheriting a particular genetic disorder.

Can a human pedigree be used to detect a recessive trait?

Yes, a human pedigree can be used to detect a recessive trait.

Can you use blood group A and O in pedigree analysis?

Yes, blood group A and O can be used in pedigree analysis to track inheritance patterns of traits within a family. By analyzing the blood group of family members across generations, geneticists can determine the mode of inheritance and potential disease risks associated with specific blood types.