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Both are mammals, in that they have red blood, have similar bone structure, and give birth to live young. Pigs are a furlessanimal that can weigh over 300 pounds. Skunks are a small furry rodent with scent glands used to ward off enemies. Domestic pigs have no enemies other than man.

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Q: How are pigs and skunks different and how are they the same?
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What are some very smelly animals?

Skunks, pigs, etc.

Are all guinea pigs different?

Yes , all guinea pigs are different. They vary in personality , looks and in intelligence. No two guinea pigs are the same.

Why are pigs innards so near the same as humans they come from different branch on the evolution tree?

I suggest you review your taxonomy. Pigs may be an a different twig, but the evolutionary branch is the same. Both humans and pigs are mammals.

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What makes skunks unique or different?

Skunks can spray their enemy with a foul smelling liquid.

Are polecats and skunks the same thing?

No they are not.

Can dogs and skunks have babies?

Dogs and skunks can't breed successfully. They're different species, too far apart.

Are pigs and swine different in any way?

no swine and pigs are the same thing swine is just the proper name for a pig hope i helped ! ! ! !

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*omnivore* Bears, ravens, pigs, opossums, chickens, skunks, raccoons, Piranhas and turtles are some examples.

How are hamster and a guinea pig are same?

Well, hamsters and guinea pigs are a whole different species. FIN

What type of venom are skunks resistant to?

skunks are resistant to snake venom and can survive 10 times the venomneeded to kill an animal of the same size.

Can guinea pigs have different coloured ears?

yes guinea pigs can have different coloured ears