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Q: How are polar bears the same as camels?
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To what are polar bears not related?

You, chickens, camels, penguins, crocodiles, vultures... (everything except from other bears!)

How are polar bears different from camels?

People can ride camels and use them to carry goods, if a person tried that with a polar bear the person would probably be eaten.

Compare and Contrast Polar Bears and Camels?

Polar bears have a thick layer of fat called blubber. Camels have a fat store in their hump that allowes them to go for days at a time with out food of water, camels also have extra stomaches in which to store plenty of water.. Polar bears live at the north pole, camels in the desert. Polar bears have a thick layer of oily fur to repel water, they are also very good swimmers.. The polar bear can jump right in the icey water and catch a fish, his long claws help him hold on to said fish, and to walk on the ice.

Were do polar bears go in the summer?

Polar bears still live in the same habitat.

What the difference of camels and black bears?

Well actually Camel and Black Bears have many difference, the basic difference is: they're environment, Camels are in Desert and Black Bear are in Polar Regions(Glacier or Ice Place).

How do the polar bears have babies?

the same way other bears do

How are camels and polar bears adapted to walking in their environment?

camels have feet that are big but flat this means that their weight is spread out over a big surface area so they do not sink.

How do polar bears grow?

Same way other bears grow.

Are there lions and polar bears on the same island?

No, there is not. Polar bears are snow animals and lions are jungle or desert animals.

How do polar bears wake from winter sleep?

same same

What do polar bears have in common with black bears?

Both are bears and belong in the same genus--Ursa.

What do you call a group of bears?

Same for other bears: a sleuth, sloth or litter of polar bears.