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Through observations of the 21cm line of atomic hydrogen

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Q: How are rotation curves of spiral galaxies determined beyond radii where starlight can be detected?
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What are two things in nature that are periodic?

The rotation of the galaxies, and the rotation of the electron.

What prevents galaxies from collapsing under their own weight?

Their rotation.

Active galaxies are thought to be powered by?

Active Galaxies are thought to be powered by rotation

Rotation of the head is detected by the vestibular system via the?

semicircular canals

Can you Compare and contrast the three phrase changes on the molecular level?

Galaxies, earth rotation,

Can a tornado be detected?

Yes. The rotation of a tornado can be detected using doppler radar. Additionally, many tornadoes can be seen with the naked eye.

Wind direction is determined by the Earths rotation?


Do galaxies change over time explain your answer?

it changes overtime with constant movement and change in rotation

Why are galaxies are a disk and not like a spherical object?

Galaxies are generally disk shapped, rather than spherical because of centrifugal force: Just like throwing a pizza crust in the air, it expands in the direction of its rotation. However, older galaxies (possibly the products of collisions of two or more galaxies) can result in blob-shapped galaxies that are more spherical.

What does tornado warnig mean?

A tornado warning means that either a tornado or funnel cloud has been spotted to detected or that strong rotation that could lead to a tornado has been detected within a thunderstorm.

The length of an Earth day is determined by the time required for approximately one?

Earth rotation

What astronomer determined that a pendulum could track the rotation of the earth?

That was Léon Foucault, in 1851.