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because for one they both pray, predator's eat there kill while scavengers pray for what others have killed.

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Q: How are scavengers and preditors alike?
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What are the margays pray and preditors?

Prey are animals that (usually) are animals that are eaten by other animals. Those other animals are predators and scavengers. Most of the time, predators are sometimes scavengers. (Example: Caribou is the prey for the wolf that is the predator.)

What is the opposite of scavenger?

the opposite of a scavenger is a predator such as a lion or tiger.

How are scavengers and predators alike?

Scavengars and predators are alike because they both have to be animals. the differences are scavengars search for and predators kill their food

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Craw fish are mainly scavengers and preditors. They eat dead or dying fish, and live fish if they can catch them. They will also eat small mollusks and some plant matter.

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Well most of the animals are preditors such as the lion and the owl. Most animals think the are preditors when they are not. More preditors are leopard and the cheetah.

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i think it's no preditors

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What do preditors do?

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