

Best Answer

They are not.


They're very much not the same, there two different explanations for things EG Christians believe the world was created by god in 3 days or something, (there is no evidence to suppose this) just things from The Bible, and scientists believe that the world started with a big band, with two atoms splitting.

If one believes in God and that He is the creator of the earth and the heavens above, and that it is He who created life upon the earth and knows and sees all things, then one is inevitably lead to assume, first, that without the creator science would not exist, and second, that the study of matter in its most unfathomable regions will somewhere join with the mind and power of God. Quantum Mechanics describes this region as the Planck Scale, named after a German Physicist, Max Planck. At this level of matter, ten million, by ten million by, ten million times smaller or deeper than the nucleus of an atom it is believed that matter, and the four forces of nature, and individual consciousness and intelligence are one unified field, or a sea of energy; waves of information and possibilities contained within an immense energy potential. It is sometimes called the, Ultimate Reality. Whether the unified field is but the fundamental level of reality of several realities above it including this physical world, and God is separate and an outside observer to this, no one knows. Knowledge, understanding, thought, desire, intent, consciousness and intelligence are one, at this level, which means, yes, we are all joined, including science and the minds of scientists. In my humble opinion the study of Quantum Physics and associated philosophies scientifically points toward God the creator; Possibly one being, one mind, one consciousness, one fundamental intelligence that we, mankind owes our existence, because we are made of Him in every aspect. We are the product of one.

The first answer is rather confused. In fact, although same say that there is a conflict between science and religion, nothing is farther from the truth. Secondly, most Christians do not believe that the earth was created in 6 (not 3!) days as Genesis is an alegorical book and should not be taken literally. Only the few Creationists within Christianity actually believe that it should. Most Christians delve deeper in Genesis and regard the truths in there as far more profound and basic than just reading it word-for-word. Thirdly the 'Big Bang' was not caused by two atoms splitting (atoms didn't even exist!), but by the creation of matter, space and time, probably from a singularity.

There are many similarities between science and religion. Both are based on evidence gathering - the evidence for a creator is markedly abundant, in nature, in how we ourselves are made up - and not forgetting the Anthropic Principle (Google it!). Neither religion nor science can actually prove anything irrefutably. Even so-called irrefutable 'proofs' in science are frequently modified or even abandoned (eg the Steady State vs the Big Bang, Newton's Laws of Motion vs Relativity and so on). The only science where irrefutable proof is possible is mathematics - and this occurs in nature and Creation a great deal eg the Fibonacci Series in the formation of leaves, seeds, seashells and so on. In religion proof is not a necessity for most adherents to a religion as it is not 'irrefutable proof' that keeps them believing, but how they have experienced God in their own lives. Most who are, say, Christian, have experienced God in a real and life-changing way so that 'irrefutable proof' is simply not necessary for them to believe. Both explain a great deal about the universe: science explains how, and religion, why. Both rely in insight, conviction and faith. Both need intellectual prowess if they are to be studied in depth but can be accepted by all whether or not understanding is at a high or low level.

There are many more similarities, but these are just a few. It seems that there are more similarities between science and religion than differences - despite what critics (of either) might try to get us to believe.


Once the argument that "god is behind all of this" is permitted, science flies out the window. Science is based on the explainability of things (even love.)

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