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plants take in CO2 and change it into O2 so they give us oxygen (not the phone network). They excrete oxygen just as we do carbon dioxide

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Q: How are secretion by plants useful to humans?
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What parts of plants are useful to humans?

it would have to be the flower

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What is useful to humans?

A bee, they pollinate flowers so we have plants and air

How are plants useful to humans?

Plants are useful to humans in a variety of ways. Plants can be eaten, they can be used to make medicine, and they can be used for a variety of other things. Without plants, life on Earth would cease fairly quickly.

What insect is useful to humans?

A bee, they pollinate flowers so we have plants and air

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What does domestication mean in social studies?

the process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans.

Do plants make fruits for humans and animals to eat?

No, the plant makes seeds in the fruit to start new plants. It turns out to be simply a very handy and useful thing for animals, including humans, to eat.

Which plant produce resin?

It is a secretion of many plants, mainly coniferous trees

How snakes are useful for humans?

Snakes don't help humans..but they are useful for entertainment..but are dangerous.

Are fungi useful to humans?

Yes.Fungi is useful to us.They are used to make medicines.

How are domesticated plants and animals more useful to humans than wild ones?

Because a wild animal would tear apart you and your house.