

How are shellfish different than other fish?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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They have shells.

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Q: How are shellfish different than other fish?
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Related questions

How do shellfish differ form other fish?

Shellfish are actually not fish at all. The term shellfish refers to aquatic invertebrates with shells, including lobster, shrimp, clams, and sea urchins; all mollusks, crustaceans, or echinoderms, rather than fish, who lack shells and are vertebrates.

What else fish from a lake eat besides fish food?

Anything smaller than the fish itself. For example, other fish, crustaceans, shellfish, insects, and plants. The list goes on but you have to be specific in what you are trying to catch and then you will get a better answer.

How are fish different than other vertebrate?

fish represent three of several classes that make up the phylum of vertebrate

Do stressed fish turn different colors?

sometimes when a fish is stressed it can turn darker than usual. I f you see this take your stressed fish away from your other fish,which is causing it stress, into a different tank and leave to relax till it changes back to normal once it has you can move it back with the other fish

What other food than dead fish?

No other food than dead fish.

What are some foods a sea otter eats?

sea urchins , shellfish and some other stuff but other than that idk!

Do other fish live at the bottom of the ocean other than the flashlight fish?

Hag fish

Is a monk fish bigger than goose fish?

They are the same fish. But have different names.

Can fish give birth to a different species of fish?

it all depends on the species of fish. most fish don't give birth through sexual interaction. the females lay their eggs on a safe place, to keep them safe from other predators, and the male squirts a cloud of sperm on the eggs, and fertilizes them. than the eggs hatch on their own. for other fish, hte DNA coding that makes them the species that they are, cannot be crossed with another fish species. they are too different. if that wasa to occur and was successful, than the fish would either A- kill their child after birthing it, if the fish lives, or B- die during the birthing proccess because the fish has inherited a different form of getting out of the mother than the other fish species. why would you want to know that anyway???

What kinds of animals other than fish have a lateral line?

Dolphins have lateral line other than a fish.

How much does a fish poop?

cant answer... different fish and different size ones poop different amounts... A gold fish poops less than a white shark.

Can swai fish be used for ceviche?

Yes, it can. Just about any white-fleshed fish can be used in ceviche, but also salmonidae fish is often used, as well as shellfish and octopus. The important thing is that the fish isn't contaminated with microbes more than what the lime juice is capable of killing off.