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they both are used to take in, puncture, and chew up prey.

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Q: How are squid mouths and beaks similar to human mouths and teeth?
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How are squid mouths and beaks like human jaws and teeth?

Squids mouths may be beaks but they have jaws and there beaks are there teeth. They use there beaks to eat and for protection.

How are squid beaks like your jaw and teeth and how are they different?

Squid beaks and the human jaw and teeth are both suited to sucking and breaking off a portion of food for digestion. The squid beak does not contain minerals like a human jaw and teeth do.

How does a giant squid eat its food?

Squid (of any size) have beaks, which they use to bite off their food, which they then swallow.

How is a snake similar to a squid?

I don't think so.Dont think a snake can be similar to a squid

How big is the biggest squid?

the common size for a squid id abut 10 centemeters

How is squid blood different from human blood?

It comes from a squid.

What is the difference between a squid eye and a human eye?

the squid eye is more bigger then the human eye.

What does the squid say?

The squid is programmed in such a way that it mimics a human being.

What vehicle moves in a way similar to a squid?

remote control squid toy lol

Does a squid have teeth?

A squid does not have teeth, instead it has a very sharp beak directly in the middle of all its arms. It uses its arms to grab its food, then brings the prey to the beak where the squid tears it apart to eat it.

How sharp is the beak of a giant squid?

Giant squids, like other squids, have beaks, not teeth.

First liquid filled rocket?

Possibly a squid or similar. Or developed by someone who watched a squid.