

How are test tube baby made?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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10y ago

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Eggs and sperm are put together in a petri dish. After fertilization they are allowed to grow in a nutrient solution, then they are implanted into the mother where it is hoped they will implant and grow normally.

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Haven Walter

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1y ago
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9y ago

You plant them in a pumpkin patch

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What is the name of the first test tube baby?

Louise Joy Brown was the first successful test-tube baby and was born on July 25, 1978.

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The duration of Brainiac's Test Tube Baby is 3600.0 seconds.

When the baby is kept in a test tube?

The term "test tube baby" does not refer to a baby that is kept in a test tube - babies are much too large to fit into test tubes, even aside from the fact that there is no reason to put a baby into a test tube. The term refers to the origin of the baby. If a zygote is produced by in vitro fertilization (rather than by sexual intercourse) then if that zygote is implanted in a womb and grows to become a baby, it qualifies as a test tube baby.

When did Brainiac's Test Tube Baby end?

Brainiac's Test Tube Baby ended on 2007-01-08.

What is cost of test tube baby in Pakistani rupee?

Type your answer here... what is cost of baby test tube in Pakistan

Is test tube baby immoral?

It is subjective as to whether a test tube baby is immoral or not. Some religions feel that it is.

When was Brainiac's Test Tube Baby created?

Brainiac's Test Tube Baby was created on 2006-08-03.

What actors and actresses appeared in Test Tube Baby - 1991?

The cast of Test Tube Baby - 1991 includes: Geetanjali

Where was the first test tube baby?

The first test tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in Oldham, England at Oldham General Hospital on July 25th, 1978. She was the first baby conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) pioneered by Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Dr. Robert Edwards.