

How are the beluga whale and the narwhal the same?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How are the beluga whale and the narwhal the same?
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What animals are related to the narwhal?

The Beluga Whale Is A Close Relative To The Narwhal Whale.Other Relatives Include Porpoises,Walruses,And Dolphins.

What is the Difference between narwhal and Beluga whale?

compare and contrast beluga,humpback wales

Which animal has similar adaptations as a narwhal?

Humpback whale, sperm whale, pilot whale, Beluga, minke, blue whale and fin whale have similar adaptations.

What type of whale is a Beluga Whale?

All whales are part of the order of mammals known as Cetacea. This family also includes dolphins and porpoises. The Beluga is closely related to the Narwhal The heirarchy of the Beluga is: Order: Cetacea Family: Monodontidae Genus: Delphinapterus

Whale species in the arctic?

The bowhead whale is a whale of the arctic. The beluga is a dolphin of the arctic. The narwhal is a porpoise of the arctic.

Is a sperm whale the same as a beluga whale?

NO! Beluga whales are related to the dolphin family and they can stay in zoos.

How do a beluga whales mate?

A Beluga whale mates the same way any other whale would mate.

Are beluga whales the same as white whales?

yes the white whale is just another name for the beluga whale

Is the narwhal whale rare?

yes, they are rare. They live in Siberia and Alaska. Narwhals are similar to the Beluga Whale and the Irrawaddy Dolphin. They might possibly be related to the Irrawaddy Dolphin.

What class is a Beluga whale?

The belugaor white whale, Delphinapterus leucas, is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal.

Can a fully grown polar bear drag a whale out of the ocean?

Well, certainly not a big Bowhead or Right whale, but a polar bear is or can drag a beluga or narwhal out of the ocean, for sure.

What are the most endangered whals?

North Atlantic right whale, Western Pacific grey whale, Bowhead, Narwhal, Cook Inlet beluga whales these are the most endangered whales in the world