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The nucleus's main function is to hold the DNA. Prokaryotic cells do have the DNA but it is not surrounded by a membrane that separates it from the rest of the cell so the DNA just floats around in the region called nucleiod instead of being confined inside a nucleus.

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Daryl Kemmer

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Q: How are the function of prokaryotes cells controlled without a nucleus?
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Are prokaryotes simple?

Prokaryotes are the simplest organisms. They are single celled without organelles like a nucleus or mitochondria.

What are proaryote cells?

Prokaryotes are simple cell structures without a nucleus

What is the prokaryotes definition?

A simple organism without nucleus: an organism whose DNA is not contained within a nucleus

What are cells with and without a nucleus called?

Cells with a nucleus are called eukaryotic cells, while cells without a nucleus are called prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have their genetic material enclosed within a membrane-bound nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells have their genetic material free-floating in the cytoplasm.

What are three ways that prokaryotes function differently from eukaryote?

There are three main differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes lack a cell nucleus while eukaryotes are made up of cells that all contain a membrane bound nucleus. While prokaryotes have a single cell make-up, eukaryotes have multiple cells. Prokaryotes has DNA without any real structure, while eukaryotes has a well structured DNA system that is organized into chromosomes.

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Monerans are prokaryotes.

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What is an organism with no nucleus?

An organism without a nucleus is called prokaryote. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea. They have their genetic material (DNA) located in the cytoplasm without a membrane-bound nucleus.

What are cells that contains a nucleus called?

Cells with a nucleus are known as eukaryotes. Cells without nulcei are called prokaryotes.

What are prokaryotes and are they in the same kingdom as eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms without a distinct cell nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. They belong to the domains Bacteria and Archaea, which are separate from the domain Eukaryota that includes eukaryotes.

What is a single celled organism without a nucleus?

Bacteria are most commonly prokaryotes and have no membrane-bound organelles which includes the nucleus.

What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes a short answer?

Prakariyotes are without nucleus and membrane bound organells.Eukariyotes have nucleus and membrane bound organells.