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Q: How are the gods similar and different to humans?
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What is the different between Egypt gods and roman gods?

Different lands different people different "religions". Sorry for the dryness but mainly pharaoh was considered a god amongst humans while roman gods were more like gods who liked fiddling with humans. In my opinion.

How does god split up all humans?

Because different people believen different gods

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Aphrodite interacted with the humans and gods in different ways.

Are the Greece gods different from the Romans gods?

No, the Greek gods and Roman gods are very similar, but they have different names and slightly different attributes. Many of the Roman gods were influenced by Greek mythology, with the Romans adopting and adapting the Greek gods to fit their own cultural beliefs.

How are god different than humans?

Gods and Humans are similar in mostly appearances. Many of them look humans with the same features, although they may be most beautiful and handsome etc. Gods also share human emotions etc to some degree. They can feel hurt, anger, pleasure and joy. Gods can have children and siblings, though sometimes the birthing processing is different. For example, in one version of the myth Apollo and Artemis were hatched from an egg after their mother was turned into a bird by their father Zeus so Hera couldn't find them.

How were Roman and Greek religions similar?

They both worshipped multiple gods, and were the same gods with different names, ie. Poseidon=Neptune, Zeus=Jupiter.

Are gods ancient humans?

No, gods are typically considered to be supernatural or divine beings worshipped by humans across different cultures and religions. They are often believed to have powers and attributes beyond those of humans.

Are Pokemon and bakugans similar?

No. They are not similar. Bakugan live in a different world but Pokemon live in the same world as humans.

How are Prometheus and Hercules the gods similar?

Prometheus is kind, unselfish, he also thought about the humans and gave him the gift of fire. He did not deserve such a severe punishment.

How are the humans reaction to the mirror similar to and different from animals reaction?

it could be difer

What relationship do humans or other gods have to Zeus?

Zeus is king and ruler of gods and humans in Greek mythology

Who is Prometheus enemies?

Prometheus was a Titan, which is different from the ones we call the Greek gods. Anyway, he created the humans, which was OK. But then he taught the humans some tricks and gave them fire, which was supposed to be the privilege of the gods. This enraged Zeus who decided to punish Prometheus.