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Elza Olson

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Q: How are the gold medal and the human cell similar and how are they different?
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How are the gold medal and the human cell similar?

a cell is almost a little like the medal because they are both have atoms in them

How do you compare a human to a animal cell?

The cells are very similar in structure, the only cell remotely different are plant cells.

Which structure of a bacteria cell performs a similar function to the skin of a human?

The structure of a bacteria cell that performs a similar function to the skin of a human is the cell wall.

What part of an animal cell is similar to human skin?

The part of an animal cell that is similar to human skin would be the animal skin cells. The animal and human skin cells contain the same organelles.

Which part of the cell has a Similar function as the human brain?


Different between human cell and animal cell?

Human and animal cells have the same basic structures, yet human cells usually have different jobs pertaining only to that particular cell.

How are animal cells and human cells different?

Human cells and animal cells may have a very slight difference but they are similar in most ways. Humans are classified as animals and thus have an animal cell.

What is the similarities between the human body and a single cell?

The human body and a cell both show similarities in terms of co-ordination. Both have a co-ordianting centre(Brain in human body and nucleus in cell). Both show division of labour(Different organ systems in human beings perform different functions while in cell different organelles perform different functions).

What parts in a nucleotides are similar or different?

the all have the cell membrane.

What structure in the cell performs a function similar to a function of the human lungs?

Structure 4

How are an amoeba cell and a human being cell similar?

Both are made of cells or cells with a nucleus

How is a cell similar to a human being?

In a cell there is a part that has a specific job (nucleus=control center) just like a human (brain=controlls actions of body) __________________________________________________________________ Actually you cant say they are similar but humans are made of cells, trillions of them, and the type of cell is eukaryotic so we are eukaryotes and eukaryote is a type and there is only one other type known and that is the prokaryote which was the first cell.