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Q: How are the hawaiian volcanoes different to other volcanoes?
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Related questions

Why do Hawaiian people call their volcanoes by different names than us?

Hawaiian is a language on its own. Therefore, Hawaiian names are used in Hawaii and English names are used in the US and other English speaking countries.

Are Hawaiian volcanoes cinder cones?

No. The Hawaiian islands are shield volcanoes.

Why are Hawaiian volcanoes shield volcanoes?

The Hawaiian volcanoes are shield volcanoes as they are broadly-sloping and composed of layers formed by basaltic lava flows.

What type of a volcanoes are in the Hawaiian Islands?

They are shield volcanoes

What type of volcanoes are on the Hawaiian Islands?

Shield volcanoes

Can a volcano be both a constructive force and a destructive force?

-The Hawaiian islands are actually underwater volcanoes that rose up out of the sea. So the Hawaiian islands were built up by the volcanoes.- On the other hand (i don't have to explain this) volcanoes cause destruction.So yes!

How have volcanoes helped to create the Hawaiian islands?

Volcanoes shot out magma which cooled down to make the Hawaiian Islands.

How were the Hawaiian formed?

It is thought that volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands.

How many hawaiian volcanoes are there?


How is hawaiian lava different from composite cone lava?

Compared with the lava in composite volcanoes, hawaiian lava has a slow silica content, is runny, and erupts at a higher temperature.

The Hawaiian islands were formed?

From undersea volcanoes.

What oceans are the Hawaiian Islands formed by?
