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The lungs contain air sacs called alveoli which are surrounded by blood capillaries to allow gaseous exchange.

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Q: How are the lungs and the capillaries connected?
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What is the substance that the capillaries absorb from the lungs?

The capillaries absorb oxygen at the lungs. This occurs near the alveoli.

O2 enters the capillaries and ----- from the capillaries passes in to the lungs?

Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product of respiration, and is taken in the bloodstream to the capillaries outside the lungs, where the CO2 diffuses into the alveoli of the lungs.

Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries of the lungs because there is a?

greater concentration of oxygen in the air sacs of the lungs than in the capillaries.

What is the structure of microcirculation?

Microcirulation consists of terminal arterioles connected to capillaries. The capillaries are connected to post-capillary venules which are connected to the veins,

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Are capillaries connected to the heart?

yes capillaries are connected to heart because heart is a muscular organ and the exchange of materials between heart walls and blood occurs through capillaries.

Terminal arterioles are connected to what?


Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries of the lungs because there is?

It diffuses because the concentration of oxygen in the capillaries is lower than the concentration of oxygen in the air (law of diffusion).

How does marijuana get inside you?

It enters through the capillaries of the lungs.

What passes from the capillaries into the lungs?

Carbon dioxide is exhaled

How are veins connected to capillaries?

blue color

What sort of blood vessels are surrounding the air sacs in your lungs?

Capillaries are the blood vessels that surround the alveoli, or air sacs, in your lungs. These capillaries are the site of gas exchange.