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The capillaries absorb oxygen at the lungs. This occurs near the alveoli.

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Q: What is the substance that the capillaries absorb from the lungs?
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O2 enters the capillaries and ----- from the capillaries passes in to the lungs?

Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product of respiration, and is taken in the bloodstream to the capillaries outside the lungs, where the CO2 diffuses into the alveoli of the lungs.

What organ absorbs oxygen from the air?

The respiratory system seems like the obvious answer, but you used the word absorb. The respiratory system takes air into the lungs, but the red blood cells (erythrocytes) absorb the oxygen out of the air taken into the lungs. The circulatory system then delivers these red blood cells to the capillaries where the oxygen is traded for carbon dioxide as the cells need.

What do blood capillaries absorb?

Capillaries in Villi absorb all other nutrients except fat.

Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries of the lungs because there is a?

greater concentration of oxygen in the air sacs of the lungs than in the capillaries.

Where does the blood absorb oxygen in human body?

the blood absorb oxygen in the lungs(cappilaries)

How are the lungs and the capillaries connected?

The lungs contain air sacs called alveoli which are surrounded by blood capillaries to allow gaseous exchange.

Why can lugs obsorb large amount of Oxygen?

They absorb so much oxygen because of the Alveoli. An Alveoli are the endings of small tubes that are located in your lungs and transfer oxygen to your capillaries.

Capillaries are to body tissues as are to lungs?


Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries of the lungs because there is?

It diffuses because the concentration of oxygen in the capillaries is lower than the concentration of oxygen in the air (law of diffusion).

Tiny blood vessels that allows food oxygen and other substance to pass the cell?


What is called a tiny vessel?

The smallest vessels in the human body are capillaries. They are the blood vessels that absorb oxygen into the blood and returning blood cells that lack oxygen back into the heart and lungs to be oxidised.

Why can the lungs absorb a large amount of oxygen?

1) It's not the lungs. It's the haemoglobin in blood cells that allow blood cells to carry oxygen to where it is needed.2) Lungs can absorb a large amount of oxygen because of alveoli. There are small tubes in lungs which have alveoli at there ends. The alveoli are surrounded by a network of capillaries. At these capillaries is where the blood picks up its cargo of oxygen from the air.Oh and it is hemoglobin not haemoglobin okay Soggy2002!I happen to be from England, the birthplace of the English language, where we spell it 'haemoglobin'. Okay, MsMM1987?Air moves from the trachea to the bronchi the passage that direct air into the lungs