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the higher pressure results in particles hitting against the wall more often therefore, when there is a hole in something, particles leave the object quicker

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Q: How are the motions of gas particles related to the pressure exerted by the gas?
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How the motions of gas particles are related to the pressure by the gas?

is motions of gas particles are related to the pressure exerted by the gas

How are the motions of gas particles are related to the pressure exerted by gas?

the higher pressure results in particles hitting against the wall more often therefore, when there is a hole in something, particles leave the object quicker

How the motions of gas particles related to the pressure exerted by the gas?

the higher pressure results in particles hitting against the wall more often therefore, when there is a hole in something, particles leave the object quicker

How are speed and presure of fluid related?

The pressure exerted by a fluid is reduced as its speed increases.

The parts of convection current in the mantle are related to plate motions?

Waves is the part of convection current. This is the mantle and is related to plate motions.

How are fluid pressure and buoyancy related?

They both blanace each other when exerted on an object. Each side are equal to the force balanced by those matters

What happens to temperature of a gas when pressure is put on it?

When pressure is exerted on a gas, its temperature increases. This is becasue the pressure causes the molecules to speed up releasing energy in the form of heat. This phenomena is known as Charles's Law, which states that as pressure increases so does temperature (they are directly related).

How are pressure and the number of the particle related?

PV = NkT P: pressure V: volume N: number of particles in gas k: Boltzmann's constant T: absolute temperature More particles in a constant volume, constant temperature space means more pressure.

How is the temperature and pressure in the Earth's mantle related to the depth of the mantle?

The degree of temperature and exertion of pressure by the molten materials (magma) within the mantle is directly proportional to its depth. This means that, the deeper you go down the mantle the higher the degree of temperature and pressure exerted.

How many liters of water exerts 1 psi in one hour?

The pressure exerted by water has nothing to do with the number of liters, nor with time. It is only related to the height of the water column.

How velocity is related to pressure?

It has a relationship. There must be a change in velocity over a period of time to have/create a force. f=ma If there is no change in velocity, meaning the acceleration is zero, then there's no force i.e. f = (50kg)(0m/s^2) = 0 N or kg*m/s^2

How is plasmolysis related to tugor pressure?

Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by water on the cell wall. This is what helps plants stand upright, even though they have no skeleton.