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The degree of temperature and exertion of pressure by the molten materials (magma) within the mantle is directly proportional to its depth. This means that, the deeper you go down the mantle the higher the degree of temperature and pressure exerted.

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Q: How is the temperature and pressure in the Earth's mantle related to the depth of the mantle?
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Convection currents in the mantle are what causes tectonic plates to move. Uneven heating of the mantle results from radioactive decay of some long-lived isotopes in the mantle, which are not evenly distributed.

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The melting temperature of materials is dependent on the pressure that is applied, whereby the higher the pressure, the higher the melting temperature. As such the rocks in the mantle are experiencing such a high pressure, that their melting point is driven up beyond the temperature within the Earth's mantle so they remain solid.

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2000 celcius

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How many layers in earths mantle?

there are 7 layers in earths mantle.

How does pressure determine whether the mantle is solid or liquid?

The melting temperature of materials is affected by their confining pressure. The higher the pressure the higher the melting temperature. As such as you move deeper into the mantle, the tempraeture will increase, but because of the overlying material so to will the confining pressure which drives up the melting temperature. When high temperature mantle material moves nearer to the surface such as near a mid-ocean-ridge the confining pressure falls faster than the materials temperature and this can cause the melting point to drop below the temperature of the material leading to melting.

What are the main differences between the layers of mantle?

Mineralogy, pressure, temperature, and density differences exist among the 'layers' of the mantle.