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The element sodium is a soft silvery-white metal that is highly reactive. The element chlorine is a yellowish-green colored, toxic gas. Sodium chloride is a white crystalline solid that is useful in seasoning and preserving food. It is also the most common salt in the ocean and in the tissue fluids of living things.

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Q: How are the properties of sodium chloride different from the elements it is made up of?
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How is the compound sodium chloride different from the elements of which it is composed?

sodium chloride as a compound has different physical and chemical properties than sodium and chloride not mixed together

Why is sodium chloride different in nature from its elements?

It is very normal that different compounds or elements have different properties. Each is a specific entity.

How are the properties of sodium chloride different from the 2 elements that make it up?

Sodium is a solid substance and chlorine is gas when they form sodium chloride it is different compound and it is common salt and it is solid.

Are the properties of compounds identical to or different from the properties of the elements from which they are formed?

Yes, the properties of compounds are different from those of their component elements. For example, sodium metal and chlorine gas react to form the solid salt sodium chloride.

Can a element be broken down into substances with different properties?

No. Compounds and mixtures are made of elements and can be broken down, as in table salt which is Sodium Chloride and can be split into sodium and chlorine gas, which are elements that have different properties.

Why do you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride if chlorine is poisonous?

Sodium chloride is table salt - you will get sick if you eat too much. When elements combine to make compounds they have different properties to the elements that made them.

How sodium chloride is a substance that has similar properties as sodium and chlorine or is it an entirely different substance with its own unique properties?

Sodium chloride is it an entirely different substance with its own unique properties.

How is calcium chloride different from sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is NaCl, calcium chloride is CaCl2. Consequently all the physical and chemical properties are different.

Why does sodium metal and sodium chloride behave different?

Sodium chloride contains sodium ions, not metallic sodium. Hence they show different chemical properties and behaviour.

How do the properties of sodium chloride compare with the properties of sodium and of chlorine?

Sodium chloride is a nonreactive solid at room temperature, and is commonly known as table salt. The two elements that make up sodium chloride are sodium and chlorine. Sodium is a very reactive metal that tastes bad. Pure sodium is explosive when it comes in contact with water. Chlorine is a nonreactive gas that is poisonous, and will kill you if you breathe enough of it. Sodium chloride retains neither the properties of sodium nor the properties of chlorine. This is because compounds (such as sodium chloride) have their own characteristics, and not the characteristics of its component elements.

Do compounds have the same properties from which they are made?

No. They can have radically different properties from the elements they're formed from.Easy example: Sodium chloride. Sodium is a highly reactive nonmetal. Chlorine is a highly reactive nonmetal. They combine into a very nonreactive compound - table salt.

Is the compound sodium chloride the same as the element chloride sodium or the element chlorine?

No. Sodium chloride is quite different from either of its component elements.