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They are both involved in the production and regulation of hormones.

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Q: How are the reproductive and endocrine and endocrine systems related?
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Related questions

Which two endocrine organs are directly related to the reproductive system?

The ovaries and testes are endocrine organs that are also parts of the reproductive systems of females and males, respectively.

Is the urinary and reproductive systems sometimes considered together as the endocrine system?

No, the urinary and reproductive systems are not considered to make up the endocrine system. The urinary and reproductive systems are sometimes known as the genitourinary system or GU system.

What is the connection between the reproductive endocrine and nervous systems.?

The reproductive and endocrine systems both regulate the functions of the body. They rely on communication between cells to send and receive messages.

What organ systems can facilitate conception of childbirth?

Reproductive and Endocrine

Which organ of the female reproductive system is functionally part of the endocrine system?

The ovaries are part of the woman's reproductive system that produce the estrogen hormone, which is produced in three varieties, and the progesterone hormone.

Which system controls the endocrine system?

Endocrine is the correct answer for Apex

System that alows reproduction and controls male and female functions?


Which two body systems are necessary for childbearing?

to make babies

What is connection between endocrine system and nervous system and reproductive system?

The reproductive and endocrine systems both regulate the functions of the body. They rely on communication between cells to send and receive messages.

Which system are the testes part of?

The testes are part of the male reproductive system, in which their function is sperm production. The testes are also part of the endocrine system, in which they make the hormone testosterone.

What are two human body systems which often work together to maintain homeostasis?

The Nervous System and the Endocrine System are the two body systems that regulate homeostasis.

What two body systems work closely together to produce offspring?

The reproductive system. It is different in males than it is females.