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Bronchioles are part of the respiratory system and branch from the bronchus. Air from the bronchus enters the terminal bronchioles that terminate in air sacs known as alveoli.

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Both are part of the respiratory system

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Q: How are alveoli and bronchi related?
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Are the alveoli distal or proximal to the bronchi?

The alveoli and bronchi are both parts of the respiratory tree. The main parts of this structure, in the order of air passing through during inspiration are: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. The alveoli are distal to the bronchi, because they are farther away from the center of the body then the bronchi.

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Bronchi, Bronchioles and Alveoli. Bronchi and Bronchioles - transport systems Alveoli - Respiration occurs

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The bronchi go directly into the alveoli.?

The bronchi branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles, which then lead to clusters of air sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are the site where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occurs during the process of respiration.

What are the terminal ends of the bronchi?

Bronchi is branched in primary and secondary. bronchi is branch of bronchus.

Branches of the windpide that lead into the lungs are the?

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Which part of the respiratory system divides into smaller and similar tubes in a pattern that resembles the branches of a tree?

The bronchial tree, comprised of bronchi and bronchioles, divides into smaller and similar tubes resembling a tree's branches. This branching pattern allows air to reach the alveoli in the lungs efficiently for gas exchange.

What is at the tip of each bronchi-ole?


Which organ contains alveoli bronchioles and bronchi?

The lungs contain alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi. Alveoli are tiny air sacs where oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the blood. Bronchioles are small airways that branch from bronchi, which are larger airways that lead to the lungs.

Is the alveoli located at end of bronchi?

They're located at the end of the bronchioles which are connected to the bronchi

What are the small air tubes that lead to the alveoli called?

The small air tubes that lead to the alveoli are called bronchioles. They branch off from the bronchi and continue to subdivide into smaller tubes within the lungs, eventually ending in the alveoli where gas exchange occurs.