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The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables of Roman Law were sets of laws established long ago in two different time periods. Despite their differences they share much in common.

One similarity that stands out first is the way the two civilizations viewed the death penalty. By today's standards their views are considered harsh. They fling the death sentence around for many crimes. The Code of Hammurabi as well as the Twelve Tables of Roman Law use the death penalty to punish those who bare false witness.

The death sentence is also handed down to thieves caught in the act. In the Code of Hammurabi it says a man who steals from a burning house is cast into the fire.

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Q: How are the tables of Rome and the code of Hammurabi different?
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One way in which the twelve tables of Rome the code of Hammurabi and the Justinian code were similar is that they established?

They are similar because they all establish a behavior code or legal standard for the society.

The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables were designed to?

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What is the difference between hammurabi's code and the twelve tablets?

Well, firstly, they're completely different law sets that were written hundreds of years apart. The Twelve Tables were Rome's Constitution-like law codes. They were written and amended by many people and government terms/years. It is closer to modern law when considering the fact that it actually recognizes trial. Hammurabi's Code is a Babylonian law code collected in a timely manner by one person: Hammurabi. Despite the fact that it's older than the Twelve Tables, the Code of Hammurabi is much more specific and recognizes people's rights (aside from trial) much better.

What ways are Hammurabi's code and law of twelve tables are they different?

The Twelve Tables came about as a result of the long social struggle between patricians and plebeians. The Hammurabi code is the first know codified set of laws known to men in existence and it includes all classes of citizens, military and the slave. After the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, the Republic was governed by a hierarchy of magistrates. Initially only patricians were eligible to become magistrates and this, among other plebeian complaints, was a source of discontent for plebeians. There were no treatment to people as plebeians in the Hammurabi code.

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The twelve tables.

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The twelve tables.

What was the name of the written law code of rome?

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Rome's first code of laws was known as?

The Twelve Tables.

What was Rome's first code of law called?

The twelve tables.