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The central part of North America is actually under the sea during Cretaceous period. The Great Plain of present day is inundated under the Western Interior Seaway. The fauna and marine life prospered under tropical condition, leading to an abundance of fossil fuels in places like Alberta or Bakken Basin.

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10y ago

Dinosaur fossils exist in Canada because, during the time that dinosaurs lived, Canada had an environment that allowed for animals to frequently become fossilized. Today, many dinosaur species are known from Canada, and Canadian fossils have greatly contributed to the scientific understanding of dinosaurs.

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11y ago

Answer is easy! If you know that Bible tells us a trouth about great, global flood, and the same climatic precaution before it...Another, inteligent answer does not exist...for me...

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Q: How are there fossils of tropical organisms found in Arctic regions?
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