

How are water frogs and regular frogs similar?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Well, they are amphibians, they both exist in this world (and on Earth), breathe through skin, and eat anything they can fit in their mouth, and largely choose prey by activity level rather than size.

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Q: How are water frogs and regular frogs similar?
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Basicly African clawed frogs are bigger and have tiny claws and regular frogs are just frogs i suppose.

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

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tree frogs do It depends what type of forest you mean. If you mean Rain Forest, yes. There are poisonous ones there and tree frogs also. Even in a regular forest there are bull frogs, regular frogs and toads. Hope this helps.

How do you know if the frogs have laid eggs?

Assuming you have captive frogs, most frogs will lay their eggs in water, soms hide their eggs under leaves. In small frogs it will be hard to see any difference in a pregnent female and one that has spawned. Inspecting your terrarium on a regular basis is the only way to be certain.

What do you feed regular frogs?

crickets they love crickets

How do frogs develop into frogs?

Frogs start out as tadpoles and then they develop into jumping frogs. They start life in water.

How do you give baby frogs water?

To give baby frogs water you just put them in the water and they will drink it

Do frogs lives in water?

Frogs live in water when tadpoles.When the tadpoles become frog's they have to live near water or in a moist place because the frog's skin drys out quickly.

What part of the body is similar to the frogs cloaca?

The anus.