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The colour receptors in your eye are not monochromatic narrow filters. Each of the three types of cone receptor have some overlap with each other.

Rather as three 'bell' curves.

Thus a band of light may well excite a response in each of the three types of cone.

A human eye may discriminate up to about 10 000 000 colours.

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Q: How are we able to see intermediate colors such as purple?
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The ability to see intermediate colors such as purple results from the fact that more than one cone type is being stimulated?


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Do guinea pigs see colors?

yea but only purple and green cause they're racist

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They can't see purple tacos because of their extremely dense conjunctiva.

When was the color purple invented?

Colours are not invented. We see different colors because there are different wavelengths of light and our eyes are able to see a broad range of them. Color is actually just reflected wavelengths of light. An object or substance will absorb all the other wavelengths, and the ones that it doesn't are the colors that we see. Purple can be found in many instances in nature as well; stones, flowers ect..

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It's hard to say -- but people say horses can only see the colors purple, green, blue, and orange.

What colors are they usually?

They are generally blue. Occasionally you'll see a purple one.

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Blue, she liked the way it was in the skye and missed being able to see it

What colors are combined to form brown?

orange and black or purple and yellow! try and see!

What color who you see by combining the secondary colors together?

the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) can be mixed to create the secondary colors (green, purple, and orange). blue + yellow = green. blue + red = purple. red + yellow = orange. if you mix the secondary colors (green, purple and orange) you'd get a muddy brown color.

Can cats see colors and what colors can they see?

Cats can indeed see some colors, but not all colors. Research has found that cats have colour-sensitive cones in their eyes, but not as many as a human's. Humans with normal vision have 3 types of cones, while dogs and cats have only 2 types of cones so they do not experience the same spectrum of colour vision that we do. Cats seem to be able to distinguish between higher frequency colors, meaning cats respond to the colors purple, blue, green and possibly yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range and are most likely seen as shades of grey or purple. Purple, blue and green appear to be the strongest colors perceived by cats. Tests suggest cats can distinguish between more shades or levels of gray than can humans.

What is red green black purple but can't see colors?

spray-painted new-born kittens