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They have no obvious purpose.

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Q: How are wisdom teeth and an appendix of a human common to wings of an ostrich?
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Related questions

Which human features are obsolete?

Body hair because we wear clothing, your appendix has nearly no function at all. and Wisdom teeth.

What is the appendix use for in human?

The appendix is not really needed in the human body, it is just there to help your body with digestion.

What is an example of a vestigial in a human?

The appendix in the digestive system.*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

What organ has no functions in human?

The appendix is said to have no function in the human body, but it actually plays a small role in the lymphatic system.

What does the appendix has to do with inability to digest cellulose?

the appendix digest cellulose, but human appendix does not work.

Where is the appendix on the human body?

The appendix is in the lower right abdomen, attached to the proximal end of the large intestine.

Appendix differences in human and cat?

There is a major difference between an appendix in a human and a cat. Namely, cats do not have an appendix, while people do. The appendix has no use within the body, but can sometimes become infected and will need to be removed.

Is to quadruped as ostrich is to?


Why is the aorta the biggest artery in the human body?

It is the biggest artery because it pumps blood from the heart. The ostrich gland also helps to produce, and pump, insulin and green blood cells up the scenic route to the appendix.

Does the cat have an appendix like human does?

Probably, but the appendix serves little funstion anyway.

Where are organelles in ostrich egg?

This is because the ostrich while pregnant eats human babies.

How many appendixes do we have?

No, you do not have more than one appendix.