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Probably, but the appendix serves little funstion anyway.

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Q: Does the cat have an appendix like human does?
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Appendix differences in human and cat?

There is a major difference between an appendix in a human and a cat. Namely, cats do not have an appendix, while people do. The appendix has no use within the body, but can sometimes become infected and will need to be removed.

What features of the human cecum is lacking in the cat?

The appendix is the feature of the human cecum that isn't found in cats. Although the human appendix doesn't have a determined function, some scientists speculate that it produces and protects beneficial bacteria.

What is the difference between a cat appendix and a humans?

Cats do not have appendix and humans do.

What organ has no functions in human?

The appendix is said to have no function in the human body, but it actually plays a small role in the lymphatic system.

Animal like cat dog horse have an appendix?

In herbivores like horses and sheep, the appendix is called the "blind end" and apparently still does serve some function in digestion. I believe that cats and dogs to have an appendix, but it is not vermiform (long and skinny) like the human appendix; thus it may be less likely to get infected.

Is there a difference between human and animal appendixes?

Yes. Most animals don't have an appendix. Apes and monkeys have an appendix like a human's (a long tube), and rabbits and a few species of other rodents have a more sack-like appendix. None of the other animals has one.

What does the appendix has to do with inability to digest cellulose?

the appendix digest cellulose, but human appendix does not work.

What are structures that have no functions in their presen-day form?

"Vestigial" like the human appendix.

Where is the appendix on the human body?

The appendix is in the lower right abdomen, attached to the proximal end of the large intestine.

Difference between appendix and veriform appendix?

appendix means a slender outgrowth or an appendage to the original structure. But the word appendix is loosely used for 'vermiform appendix'. Vermiform means worm like. vermiform appendix is, a vestigial organ of the human body, located at the start of large intestine (prcisely caecum).

Does any cat have human hair?

NO. Even if the cat had "human-like" hair it wouldn't be human hair because it grew from a cat.

What do tonsils do in the human body?

as far as i the appendix it does nothing but used to when we were evolving.