

How are you killing the pandas?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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14y ago

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How are people killing pandas? Well people chop down their land for farms and since pandas mainly eat bamboo they need need the wide open saces with bamboo availibale for them. So the more bamboo gets choped down the less pandas survive. There's still hope for them if we make more conservations.

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Poachers are responsible for killing Pandas. Lack of food is also killing them. Pandas only eat Bamboo and due to climate change, Bamboo forests are dying off.

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Because people were killing them in the past.

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by not killing themand by donating $money$

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we are killing pandas food by tearing down trees it does not help are economy and kills pandas.

What are you doing to stop giant pandas from becoming extinct?

stop killing them

What are people doing to help the pandas?

they are climbing trees and caching and killing them