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Why Zoos are Bad

Zoos keep animals imprisoned when they want to be free.

· Captive animals are deprived of everything that is important to them. As a result, they suffer from a dreadful disease called "zoochosis".

· • Surplus animals. Zoos over breed animals for lots of cute babies. By the end of the season, the animal isn't cute anymore and another cute baby has been produced. The old baby is a surplus animal and they are usually put to sleep (killed) or sold to other dealers.

· Zoo animals' life spans are much shorter than wild animals. (For example, zoo elephants live for 16-18 years, while wild elephants live up from 50-70 years!)

This is why zoos are not a good idea to build or to promote.

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Q: How are zoos bad for animals to live in?
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This question does not make very much sense, but I think you mean why don't all animals like living in zoos. Animals don't like living in zoos because it is not their natural habitat. They feel stressed and do not get to live the life they were born for. Most animals have small enclosures in zoos, which is bad as they cannot do very much exercise. Animals should live in wide open spaces. This is why they are stressed.

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Some people view zoos as bad because they feel animals are detained. Some zoos are no trained properly to care for the animals they own. Zoos who provide proper medical care, proper diets, and proper living facilities are safe for the animals. Some zoos actually house many injured animals, and care for the ones who could never be returned to the wild.

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It depens on what animal you mean some live longer in captivity and some live shorter lives in captivity, but normally animals have much better lives in Zoos some zoos that is. Not all Zoos treat animals well. But I have to say the NC Zoo is one of the best jkjk

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It is not correct to limit the freedom of animals by trapping them in zoos. However, I do recommend using open zoos with the same environment that animals used to live in.

What are the benefits of having zoos?

the pros of a zoo is that many zoos cure animals with diseases or sicknesses. they also help care for orphaned animals until they are ready to go out in the wild on there own. some zoos also have breeding programs to try and save endangered species of animals.

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it depends.... if the animal has been born on captivation then it would be dangerous for it in the wildlife...

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It is important for zoos to create homes that are like the animals' natural habitat so the animals can live a happier and healthier life.