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Q: How art can make you feel?
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How-does art make you feel?

its makes me feel overpowered putting my emotion into drawing

How do you write an art essay?

you study the artist and what tipe of art it is then you wright abuot how you feel about the art work and what could make it better or what your favorit part of it was then wright about how the peace makes you feel.

What does art refer?

I believe that art represents feeling, you draw what you feel, if you feel love you draw love if you feel angry you draw anger.

Who make art?

they make their own art


make a modulo art

How does aboriginal art feel like?


Where can one buy a book on the art of raising a puppy?

You can buy a book on the "art of raising a puppy" at Ebay. If you cannot find it there, feel free to make a advertisment in your local newspaper with your number and you can see if anyone replies.

What was the purpose of modern art in Christianity?

The purpose modern art of christianity is to draw people to God

What should you make for an art project?

Art is a very individual thing. You can't rely on someone else to tell you what to make - you'll just get bored and quit part-way through because it won't be interesting to you!Think of things that you're interested in. What do you like? What makes you curious? What makes you awed or humble? What makes you feel emotion? That's what you want to make your art project about.

What Is Art and its nature?

Art is the creative expression of a person to interpret how they view the world or how they feel. There is not defined nature of art. Art is expression and unique. There is no right or wrong in art. The nature of art is the nature of artist.

How does art affect society?

Art can affect society in many different ways example like , people can express their feeling using art so , it can tern their negative feelings to positive and it can make them feel happy and proud about what they are doing also it can change their personalty and it will let them to run for there goals , art it not just a drowing or talent art is a language that enhance cultural appreciation and awareness.

What should you write an essay on if it has to be about expressions of art?

Write about how you feel in art write about what you do remember express your feelings.