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Q: How as modern technology changed the way people live their lives?
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cause now we can use technology

How has technology influenced the modern day kitchen and kitchen appliances?

Technology has changed our lives to a fast and faster speed and due to that the microwave is a common appliance we can not live without.

How has technology changed people's lives?

Here is an example, just think about what you did to ask that question. You will figure it out.

How technology changed peoples lives?

Technology has revolutionized people's lives by making communication instant and global through social media and messaging apps, enabling access to vast amounts of information online, simplifying tasks and increasing efficiency through automation, and offering new forms of entertainment and ways to connect with others through virtual reality and gaming.

In what ways have science and technology changed the lives of people today?

Science and technology have changed the lives of people today by widening the view on life. As in science, we have evolved from what we used to think was right. An example would be the earth, we thought that the earth was flat but we later found out it was round. And also for technology, television and the radio have brought us culture.

Why do people say technology is the way to the future?

With technology, people can lead better lives and people are engaged in modern technology in today's life. Technology can also be linked with other factors.Eg. Steamships= can carry more goods, this leads to better economy. Sometimes, modern technology is meaningful and some can be used for entertainment.Eg. Iphone

How has technology changed the lives in south Africa?

technology helps the hungry, simplifies education

How has modern technology improved the quality of people's lives?

Modern technology has improved the quality of life as it has enabled human beings to develop better medicines and medical equipment. Technology has also made work easier and convenient.

How has thinges changed after 1950 for American people?

Technology has changed after 1950, and this has affected Americans' lives. Mass media and social communication are now a part of our daily lives, with the advent of the computer and the mobile phone.

How scientific invention changed your modern era?

it changes the world every second it also saves people lives

What is a good quote for technology?

the thing we use most and has changed are lives

How does science and technology have changed your lives?

Try this : without science and technology the maximum human population on planet Earth is between 1 and 10 million people ... so which 6 billion people do you wish to die? are you included? why not?