

How atoi works in c?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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13y ago

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ASCII to Integer

Is what it does and that should be enough for you to formulate a full marks answer for your homework.

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Q: How atoi works in c?
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv){ if(argc != 3){ printf("Gimme two dimensions\n"); }else{ printf("The area is %i\n", (atoi(argv[1]) + atoi(argv[2])) << 1); } return 0; }

How do you use atoi command in Linux?

The 'atoi' command is actually a function. It is not peculiar to Linux; it can be found in many high-level programming languages, most notably C, where it has the following signature: int atoi (const char* str); The 'atoi' name is simply a contraction of 'ASCII to integer'. That is; you use the function to convert a null-terminated ASCII string to an integer. The string argument (str) must represent some base 10 numeric symbol. That is, "42", "-1" and "3.14" are all numeric strings but the word "ten" is not. Leading whitespace is ignored by the function. There are also two other versions of the function which convert to long and float: long atol (const char* str); float atof (const char* str); To use these functions you need to include the <stdlib.h> header in C (or <cstdlib> in C++).

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#include"stdio.h"int main ( int argc, char *argv[ ] ){if(argc == 2)printf("Sum of Two Numbers: %d \r\n", atoi( argv[1] ) + atoi( argv[2] ) );elseprintf( "In-valid number of arguments !! \r\n" );return 0;}Regards,Lakshmi Sreekanth