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Q: How bad is Stage 1 Melanoma?
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Is stage IV melanoma in lungs related to asbestos?

No form of melanoma is believed to be related to asbestos.

What is the survival rate for stage Ia and I malignant melanoma patients?

Almost all patients survive stage Ia malignant melanoma, and the suvivorship for stage I overall is more than 90%.

How is a patient cured of malignant melanoma?

Melanoma is not cured unless it is diagnosed at a stage when it can be isolated and removed surgically.

Which malignant melanoma patients are at high risk of recurrence?

Some patients, such as those with IIb or stage III melanoma, are at high risk for the development of recurrence after treatment.

Where can find out about Pain Management please?

The stages of melanoma. The stage of a melanoma describes how deeply it has grown into the skin, and whether it has spread. In the UK 8 out of 10 melanomas (80%).

What are the subdivisions of stage I and stage II malignant melanoma?

These stages are subdivided on the basis of penetration. Stage Ia is 0.75 mm or less (1 mm = 0.04 in), and Stage Ib is 0.75-1.5 mm penetration. Stage IIa is 1.5-4.0 mm and Stage IIb is over 4.0 mm or into the subcutaneous fat.

What is the survival rate for stage IIa and IIb malignant melanoma patients?

Survival drops in stage IIa to about 65% at five years and is worse yet for stage IIb at slightly over 50%.

Radiation may help malignant melanoma patients in what stage of the disease?

Though radiation therapy has a minimal role in the primary treatment of malignant melanoma, for patients who have metastatic disease, radiation may be helpful.

What treatment is prescribed for patients with stage IV malignant melanoma?

For stage IV patients, or those that are treated and then develop recurrence at distant sites, chemotherapy or immunotherapy is planned.

What does stage IV melanoma mean it was find in the head?

Stage IV is dependant upon how far from the primary site the cancer was found. Since it is melanoma, it harder to find the primary site, since this cancer affects skin cells. Stage 0 Carcinoma in situ (early cancer that is present only in the layer of cells in which it began). Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III Higher numbers indicate more extensive disease: greater tumor size, and/or spread of the cancer to nearby lymph nodes and/or organs adjacent to the primary tumor. Stage IV The cancer has spread to another organ

What is a serious form of skin cancer that often ulcerates forms a crust and has a tendency to metastasize if allowed to reach an advanced stage?

Malignant melanoma

What is the transmission of melanoma?

Melanoma is a non-communicable disease and is not transmitted as an infectious disease is. It is the spreading of the disease.