

How bad is the bullying at your school?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Yes bullying is bad because if you bully someone to much you can push them to the point of them wanting to kill them self.

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Q: How bad is the bullying at your school?
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What can you do when a teacher bullies your child?

Talk to the teachers or the school headmaster if the bullying is bad perhaps you need to ask the police for advice bullying is horrible and am sure it is even worse for your daughter than you even imagine, bullying of children from teachers is inexcusable.

Is cyberbullying bad or traditional bullying?

Both are bad.

Why is bullying bad?

bullying is bad because you are making someone feel as if they are nothing. bullying is just another way to express hate and distress. so don't do it now that you know what it is

What do victims of bullying do to themselve?

It depends how bad the bullying is but sometimes they just cry and sometimes if its really bad they might selfharm. Bullying is wrong and should not happen in the first place.

Why is cyber-bullying worst than bullying?

Cyber bullying is no worse than any other form of bullying - it is all very, very bad!