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Q: How big a Rat terrier mix with labrador get?
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Why was a Boston Terrier and a American Rat Terrier Bred together?

They were'NT bred together. tHe Boston Terrier is a mix of a English Bulldog and A White Terrier. Not a Rat Terrier.

What would you call a rat terrier and border collie mix?

a border terrier. i think. or a rat collie!

What is a pug rat terrier?

It is a mix breed of Pug and Rat Terrier I have one and she is the sweetes thing!They have also proven to have less health problems then a puggle.

How dangerous is a pit bull and rat terrier mix?

very vistios the pitbull i s vitios

How many puppies can a rat terrier have?

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Does anyone know where you can get a pekingese and rat terrier mix puppy?

In fact I do. At my house. lol. My pekingese gave birth 3 days ago to 8 peking terriers. (pekingese rat terrier mixes) 4 have rat terrier coloring,4 have pekingese coloring,all have the adorable face. lol

How big does a rottweiler Boston terrier mix get?

Nearly 12.

What two dogs make Jack Russell?

The Jack Russell is a smaller version of a Fox terrrier. A Fox terrier is derived from a wolf. I belive they just kept breeding small-legged Fox terriers until they got the Jack Russell terrier.

What is the name of a puppy of a Rat Terrier and Shih Tzu Mix?

A Shih Tzu & Bulldog mix are called a Bull-Shiht. That's as much as I know. :)

What is the definition of brat?

A selfish, unlikable child, or a short word for "bratwurst", a type of sausage. A hybrid mix breed of a Rat Terrier and Boston Terrier

What is a terrier mix?

^(^.^)^ Well, A Terrier Mix is the Terrier (dog) mixed with another breed of Dog.

What are some mixed breeds of dogs?

Some mixed breeds of dogs include the jack-chi, which is a Jack Russell terrier Chihuahua mix. Another mixed breed is the Goldador which is a Golden retriever and Labrador mix.