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That depends on the type of turtle.

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Q: How big are young adult turtles?
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What do the adult green sea turtles do to train the young green sea turtles?

Like most reptiles, adult green sea turtles have no real involvement in their offspring's development. Everything is hereditary knowledge. The mothers simply dig a hole in the beach, lay the eggs, and leave. The babies are on their own from that moment on.

Can baby turtles live with adult snapper turtles?

From my experiance, no, I've even had adult painted turtles kill baby snapping turtles, I reccomend you keep them separate

Do frogs and turtles nurse their young?

Frogs and turtles do not nurse their young. Only mammals nurse their young. Frogs and Turtles are Amphibians.

Are sea turtles big?

Although sea turtles at hatching are seldom more than an inch or two in size, some species can grow very large. "Leatherback" turtles can reach an adult size of 6 to 7 feet (2m).

How many turtles can you fit in a mini?

It depends on the size of the turtle. A big adult sea turtle is hundreds of times larger than the baby turtles sold at pet stores. Figure a minimum of 5 or 6 really big ones, a couple hundred big box males, or several thousand (4000-8000) of the palm-sized aquarium turtles.

How many sea turtles are in the wild?

Figures are estimated, but there are believed to be anywhere from 30 to 1,205 turtles remaining. A big problem for the spotted turtle is that people remove them from the wild. This takes adult turtles from the population, and as a species that don't reproduce a lot, the population has entered dangerous status.

On the Sims 3 what is the difference of a young adult to an adult?

A young adult is in there early 20's where as an adult is in there 30'. A young adult can marry an adult.

How big are baby painted turtles?

dude it depends on the turtle!!! and a baby turtles gonna get to be the size of an adult turtle A baby turtle is about 1-3 inches. An adult turtle let's say red ear sliders are about 10 inches or bigger.

Can turtles have children?

Turtles lay eggs, they do not have live young.

How many turtles are in the US?

Many turtles young one..

How big do box turtles get in California?

The Box turtle (or Box Tortoise) is a desert Tortoise and is the State reptile of California, they are about as big as an adult human's hand. As of How big they can get, I would say about as large as size 7 foot.

What are adult turtles called?

Turtles, nothing else I know of.answer- it is called a turtle