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up to 4 feet wide and 3 feet long

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4 pounds

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Q: How much does the average caribou antlers weigh?
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Do female caribou have horns?

Yes. They are smaller than the bull caribou's antlers.

Do caribou have antlers?

Yes, both sexes possess antlers. The males (bulls) tend to be much bigger than what females (cows) have.

How much can a baby woodland caribou weigh up to?

Woodland caribou babies weigh 12 pounds at birth.

What is the different about the antlers of a caribou and a moose?

A moose is a large animal, about the same size as a horse. Moose feed on aquatic life in ponds, so they have long necks with a scruffy beard that hangs from the front of the neck (on both male and female) moose. Moose are usually a dark brown color. Male moose have small antlers that eventually grow in paddle shapes. These paddles can grow to be over 50 inches wide. Moose antlers fall off before winter, and female moose don't have antlers. Caribou are somewhere in size between deer and elk. Large caribou tend to be about the size of elk, while young caribou are barely bigger than deer. Caribou are light brown, with white patches on their necks and buttocks. Male and female caribou both grow small antlers when they are young. Older male caribou grow very large, high antlers with a lot of branches. Older female caribou grow modest antlers.

How much do moose antlers weigh?

While they on his head, the antlers of a 1200 pound moose probably weigh about 50 pounds. (The hide may be close to 200 pounds.) When the horns dry out, they might weigh 40 pounds.

Why do male caribou lose their antlers?

Caribou shed their antlers because caribou don't have enough calcium and minerals to keep them. They soon grow back new ones once they have enough calcium and minerals.Male caribou shed their antlers soon after the fall mating season is finished. For them, the antlers have served their purpose, and it is an advantage to shed the antlers while food is scarcer in winter. Female caribou that are not pregnant shed their antlers in the winter. Pregnant females keep their antlers until shortly after their babies are born in the spring. Keeping the antlers during winter helps them compete for food, which they need more of to nourish their unborn babies.

What are some physical characteristics of the rhinoceros?

Reindeer are a type of deer with much fur. Both male and female have antlers. they have large feet or hooves as well. They look much like caribou

What is bigger a elk or horse?

The moose is the largest member of the deer family, growing up to seven feet tall and they can weigh nearly a ton. North American Elk can weigh in at close to 1100 pounds and a little over five feet tall.

Can female deer have antlers?

No they do not. Male deer have antlers to fight for a female, protect them, and gain there love. -----this was a brief answe from yours truly the bored kid doing homework and answering questions.......I am always accurate but I may not always have a ton of detail- and will be adding a mark on my answers. >E<

How much does an average heron weigh?

it weigh's about 200 pounds

How much does an average model weigh?

They are about 5'9 and weigh 120

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An average model weigh about 110 Ib.