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Green Spotted Puffers grow to about 6.5", but due to the large amount of waste they produce, this high-end brackish fish requires 30+gallons per fish to survive.


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Q: How big do green spotted puffer fish get?
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A puffer fish is a fish that blows up when a enimy is close to the puffer fish

How big is a normal puffer fish?

about 7

How do a puffer fish eat?

Puffers require a diet of hard shelled meaty foods, such as: clams, crabs, oysters, scallops, crayfish, and snails. Freezedried foods have been linked to loch-jaw, which is deadly for puffers. Certain puffers, such as Green Spotted Puffers are omnivorous and eat plant material (such as dried seaweed) added to their diet.

What is a silver fish with long teeth and big eyes?

it is a puffer fish!

How big are pufferfish?

The puffer fish is the size of a basketball.

What eats Indian dwarf puffer fish?

The Pakistani Borat small doodle fish eats Indian dwarf puffer fish all day, and yesterday the name of the 'Indian dwarf puffer fish' changed name to 'Indian big fish'

How do i tell if spotted puffer fish is male or female?

There are no visible differences between male and female Green Spotted Puffers. It is thought that the male is slightly larger than the male, but this is unconfirmed. Breeding Green Spotted Puffers in captivity has never been recorded, but there are several theories about it (such as providing a large tank- 120+ gallons, a sand bed, a slate stone, and bog wood). The male may be slimmer and the female more rounded but this is also unconfirmed. There have been a few records of them breeding in aquariums but none done commercially.

How big could Puffer Fish get?

well definatly YOUR MOM'S SIZE

How big are golden puffer fish?

20 inches when full grown.

How do the adaptations help the puffer fish survive?

the puffer fish has an extremely weird adaption but it is 100% true. when the puffer fish gets scared it puffs up and takes about 30 dumps while swimming away. the puffer fish does this because the dump it takes will change colors confusing the predator and this makes the predator usually give up!

Do dwarf puffer fish eat goldfish?

They might eat the fry, but most fish will eat the fry. My dwarf puffer lives with a school of tetras and has never caused them any problems. Goldfish get big by comparison and are fiercely competitive for food. It is much more likely that the puffer is in danger of starvation by domination of the goldfish.