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A Giant Squid can grow up to 60 feet. Squids this large are about 3 tons and are easily capable of consuming whales, so they are pretty much kings. These are believed to be related to the "Massive Squids dragging ships down" myth.

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13y ago

The giant squid can reach a length of up to 18 meters. They probably get so big because larger creatures generally have fewer predators.

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Why are giant squid so big?

because they are cool like that. THATS A FACT

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Giant squid, like all other squid, have gills. So they "breathe" from them.

How many eyes does a giant squid?

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How big is the giant squid compared to a whale?

Compared to a whale, a giant squid can get up to about 50 ft. long. This certainly rivals the size of a whale but when comparing the enormous size of a giant squid to a whale, consideration has to be given to the incredible length of the squid's tentacles.

Do hourglass dolphins eat giant squid?

Yes because if you ask what they eat it would say squid so yes they do eat giant squid

Will you find bits and pieces of a giant squid inside a sperm whale?

The sperm whale eats the giant squid, so yes, you will find bits and pieces of the giant squid inside them.