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A typical bag of baking soda for household use is usually around 1 pound in size, although larger sizes are also available for commercial use.

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Q: How big is a bag of baking soda?
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How many cups of baking soda are in a 8oz bag?

There are approximately 1 1/8 cups of baking soda in an 8oz bag.

What is helpful to airsoft and how do you make it?

get a zip-lock bag and get some vinegar and baking soda and 50 to 100 BB and put them in bag (the more the better) put vinegar in or baking soda (if you preferring either put baking soda in toilet paper or napkin or soak it in vinegar then put it in the bag zip it up fast then shake and throw at enemy then it sould go boom and you rush inHope it works :)

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it will probaly explode all over!!! big mess to but you can try this 2 baking soda and vinniger big explosion 2

Can you use baking powder where it says bicarbonate of soda?

big NO!

What is a big question for a science fair project?

a question that you ask your self. For example:what explodes higher baking soda, vinegar,and water or baking soda,vinegar,and orange juice or baking soda,vinegar,and root beer?

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Baking soda and eating soda are not the same. Baking soda is an ingredient that is found in baking recipes.

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Will baking soda and water blow up in a bag?

no. it will just sit there and stink up your house i tried

What is the difference between cooking soda and baking soda?

There isn't one. Bread Soda is the Irish name for baking soda.

How do you remove pieces of a melted plastic roaster bag from the sides of the roaster oven?

By mixing a paste of water and baking soda, and applying it to the area of the roaster oven where the bag melted, you should be able to clean the plastic off. If baking soda is not available you can try using cream of tartar.

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baking soda

Why does lemon juice and baking soda have more pressure than vinegar and baking soda?

lemon juice and baking soda. :>