

How big is a hippo mouth?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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A grown hippo usually has a mouth about 4 feet tall.

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A hippo has the bigger mouth. Tasmanian tigers were about dog-sized, while a hippo's mouth is about the length and width of a mid-sized suitcase.

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from mouth siple answer ..... i this suck answer

How big is a hippos mouth wide open?

The hippos mouth is 4 feet (1.2m) and its teeth are big too. See: Hippopotamus - The Hippo's Teeth And Its Diet for more information.

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The biggest hippo ever weighed 8000 pounds.

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Who would win in a fight, a hippo or a crocodile?

The Crocodile Could Eat The Hippo But The Hippo Could Get The Crocodile Away With TheBreath...... I believe they would both win. ------ I personally think it depends on the size and age of both. ----- A hippo would win because it could put a foot ontop of the crocodile's mouth and then the crocodile wouldn't be able to move its mouth.

How big will a hippo get?

close to 2000 pounds

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