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Q: How big is a jaguars mouth?
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Related questions

Do jaguars need a big territory?

Jaguars need a big space so they can hunt

How does Jaguars eat food?

Using its mouth.

How often do jaguars bite?

If something is in their mouth, they will bite

What is the pretators to a Jaguar?

Jaguars have few predators in the wild. Humans are a big threat to Jaguars. There other predatory threat are other Jaguars, when they engage in combat.

Do jaguars like freshwater or saltwater?

Jaguars as in the big cat? I'm not sure why they would like saltwater...

Why are jaguars huge?

because they are animals that are really big.

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Jaguars and other big cats

How big are the jaguars cages in the zoo?

100m radius

Which of the big cats have spots?

Leopards, cheetahs, jaguars

In what genus are jaguars found?

The jaguars are a member of the big cat family. The genus is Panthera, the jaguars proper name is Panthera Once.

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What eats tree porcupines?

Big cats such as jaguars and leopards.