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Q: How big is an average harp seal pup?
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Related questions

What is a young harp seal called?

A young Seal is referred as a "pup", and an adult male is a "Bull."

Why does a mother harp seal push the harp seal pup in the water?

to learn how to swim

What do people call a baby harp seal?

a pup

Do harp seals roar?

Adult harp seals growl, this seal is called a pup

Where are Harp seal pups born?

Pup harp seals are born in the spring, on ice packs.

When do harp seal pups change their fur color?

they have a yellow coat when they are born for the first 3 days then the change to white. when they get older that white fur becomes a gray and brown spotted leather coat for a long nice swim.

What are some special characteristics of a harp seal?

spotted, over weight, winter white color, never over freezes, and fluffy, but most important, a female harp seal can only have a single pup

Why do harp seals have a short parental care period?

The harp seal has a gestation period that lasts three months after which, the mother seal gives birth to one pup. The female is the sole provider for her baby and after four weeks, the pup is on its own. The mother leaves the baby to begin the mating process again.

What is the term for a baby seal?

a baby seal is called a pup

How many pups do seals give birth to?

A seal or sea lion mom has just one pup a year. Pups are usually born on land--often at the same place where their moms were born. Can you find any pups in the photo at left? If a mom and her pup get separated in a crowd, they had better be able to find each other! How? By smell and sound. As soon as a pup's born, Mom often barks right into its face--and her pup replies. So from the beginning, she and her pup can recognize one another!

Do harp seal have teeth?

Harp seals have teeth that will grow if they eat pup. They are very sharp teeth which are also powerful and are used as a form of protection.

What is known about harp seals?

Quite a bit. For example, the harp seal has a black face with silvery-gray body. Its eyes are pure black. It has black harp or wishbone-shaped markings on the back. The baby harp seal (pup) has a yellow-white coat at birth, but after three days, the coat turns white and stays white for about 12 days. Adult harp seals grow up to be 5 to 6 feet long and weigh from 300 to 400 pounds.